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Und manchmal ist es viel schöner mit einer Person Zeit zu verbringen, als ihr etwas Materielles zu schenken. Hierfür haben wir kreative Workshops entwickelt, die ihr zusammen oder du auch alleine machen kannst.
Durch künstlerische Prozesse das Denken anregen, durch Ästhetik das Handeln verändern und durch Kommunikation und Community Building das Erarbeiten von verschiedenen Transformationen in Gang setzen.

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Stop-motion Animation Workshop for BIPoC

Stop-motion Animation
Workshop for BIPoC

Stop-motion & animation workshop for BIPoC*

3 Meetings, each meeting 2 hour
Participant number: min 5, maks. 11
4.04, 11.04, 18.04 , 14:00-16:00
wird auf Juni verschoben

Ort : Virtuell in Zoom

Datum: 3 dates, every Sunday from April
Zeitraum: 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Kosten: 25 € * / per appointment per person
Workshopleitung: Zeynep

Registration closes 1 week before the start of the workshop.

*inkl. MWST

Workshop Information

In this workshop we will try to make our gif stop-motion animation video which is support our activist engagement. How can we use animation as an alternative media tool to fight against sexism, racism or capitalism? This question will be our exit point and we will animate our ideas with using animation principles. You don’t have to be experienced about animation. This workshop is for beginners.

For whom is this workshop?
For People, who want to use animation as a medium in their political engagement. Like anti-racism, feminism, climate justice, etc.

“ Each participator needs a smartphone or tablet to use free animation application program. For the animation participants will decide the material themselves. It can plastilina, textile, or paper-based material. Participants will have time to think about it after the first week. „

“ Jede/r Teilnehmer*in benötigt ein Smartphone oder Tablet, um das kostenlose Animationsprogramm zu nutzen. Für die Animation bestimmen die Teilnehmer das Material selbst. Es kann Plastilin, Textil oder Papiermaterial sein. Die Teilnehmer*innen werden nach der ersten Woche Zeit haben, darüber nachzudenken. „

Do you want to be there?
Then book your workshop now.
After receipt of the course fee, we will send you a ZOOM link.

Registration for Stop-Motion Animation WS

  • * All prices include VAT
    Datenschutz lesen jetzt lesen.
    ABG's lesen jetzt lesen.
Welche Vorraussetzungen sind nötig?

To ensure that the workshop runs smoothly, it is important to
that you consider the following.

You need:

– Internet access via tablet, computer or, if necessary, via mobile phone


Du hast dich angemeldet, kannst aber doch nicht?

If you are unable to attend despite registering, please cancel in good time (for cancellations received later than 5 days before the start of the course, we will charge 50% of the course fee, you can find more information in our terms and conditions).
If only very few course registrations are received and the minimum number of participants is not reached or the instructing artist is canceled at short notice, the course can be canceled by frein. In this case you will get your deposit back in full. Further claims are excluded.

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